August 2015
1 - T-Shirt Sponsors Due!
4,5,6 - Orchestra Camp REQUIRED ATTENDANCE 9:00am - 11:30am
10 - PSHS Strings play for Teacher's Meeting [PSHS room 303] 12:30 am
13 - First Day of School (PSHS)
19 - Bowling Party RSVP & money due!
22 - Strings Bowling Party [P.S. Lanes] @ 12:00 pm
27 - Back to School Night - Guitar Ensemble & PS Orch. (Performance) [on PSHS Campus 5pm - 7:30pm]
28 - Lion King Musical (Field trip) Money is Due ($50 for 10/27/15)
September 2015
1 - VSCO Starts 2015-2016 Season
7 - Labor Day (no school)
12 - Strings Gig (Performance) PSHS Orchestra & VSCO [5:00pm @ Agua Caliente Casino]
24 - Hall of Fame Diner at PSHS (Performance) All Strings - Candy Folders.
October 2015
1 - Strings gig - Exquisite Desserts Bakery (Play - 5pm - 8pm)
9 - Tri-M National Music Honor Society Induction Ceremony (5pm-6:30pm)
22 - Halloween Spooktacular (Performance) PSHS Orchestra, PSHS Classical Guitars, VSCO, & RCMS Strings
24 - Patriot Ride Performance - Lake Cahuilla, 58075 Jefferson St, La Quinta (Call time 11:30am - Play 12:00pm - 2:30pm)
25 - Golf Cart Parade - El Paseo, Palm Desert (in front of The Gardens - time (Call time 11:00 - Play 11:30am - 1:30am)
27 - Lion King Musical (Field Trip) [for those who signed up]
28 - Education Summit - (String Ensemble) Play 8:00am - 9:00am
TBA - After school rehearsal for homecoming game 3pm- 5pm
TBA - After school rehearsal for homecoming game 3pm- 5pm
28 - PSHS Homecoming Parade
30 - Homecoming Game (Performance) Guitars and PS Orchestra [PSHS Football Field 6pm-9pm] OPEN TO THE PUBLIC $ -TICKETS- $
31 - Halloween & PSHS Homecoming Dance
November 2015
6 - We Are The Champions - PSHS Rally. Electric Guitars!!
7 - Wedding Gig for String Quartet @ the O'Donnell Estate. Call time - 2:00pm
8 - Pride Parade [Call time - 8:45am. Performance time 9am-10am] (Corner of Amado)
11- Veterans Day Parade - Downtown Palm Springs [PS Strings NOT performing]
13 - $20 (minimum) [non-refundable] deposit due for a seat holding to see Wicked on 3/1/16
14 - String Quartet gig - Zink Wedding@ the O'Donnell Estate.
December 2015
1 - Dress Rehearsal for Holiday Concert (5:00pm - 7:00pm)
1 - CHOIR Concert - Strings Quartet PERFORMING (7:00pm)
3 - PS Tree Lighting @ Francis Steven's Park [Call time 3:45pm. Performing 4:30pm-5:00pm]
5 - Festival of Lights Parade [Call Time 3:30pm. Performing 4:00pm - 5:30pm]
6 - Happy Holidays from the Strings (Performance) PS Orchestra, PSHS Classical Guitar Guitars, VSCO, & RCMS Strings
6 - Christmas Tree Lighting at the top of the Tram (Quartet Only) Call time - 4:00pm
8 - Strings End of Holiday Season Party (VSCO ends. No rehearsals until January 12)
12 - String Quartet Performance with Choir (lunch performance)
13 - String Quartet Performs in the Rancho Mirage Public Library [Call Time 4:30pm. Performing 5:00pm - 6:00pm]
16-18 - PSHS Final Exams
19 - Jan.10 - HOLIDAY BREAK
January 2016
11 - PSHS School starts Spring semester
12 - (VSCO) Valley Strings Community Orchestra begins the Spring Season
18 - M.L.King Day - No School
23 - Tour de Palm Springs (Performance) PSHS Orch, VSCO - Noon - 5:00 pm (LOWES Shopping Center - 35900 Monterey Palm Desert)
February 2016
Arrowbear Scholarship applications are due this month
12 -15 - Presidents Day Weekend - NO SCHOOL
13 - Quartet Gig (Performance) Black History Day Gala 5 - 7pm @ P.S. Hilton ballroom
15 - Master Class w/ Martin Challefore 3:00pm at PDCPC in Palm Desert
15 - Guitar Ensemble Concert (Performance) 6:00pm @ PDCPC in Palm Desert
17 - Smoketree Ranch gig - String Quartet (Call time - 5:00pm, Play 5:30pm - 6:30pm) [1850 Smoke Tree Lane]
26 - Beatles Performance for Quartet
27 - Beatles Performance for Quartet
March 2016
1 - Broadway Musical - Wicked (for those who signed up)
2 - String Orchestra - RCOE (Performance) 3rd & 4th periods @ PS Convention Center
3 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [TEASERS] 7:00 am
4 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 5:00. Performance @ 7:00pm]
5 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 5:00. Performance @ 7:00pm]
6 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 12:30. Performance @ 2:00pm]
10 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [TEASERS] 7:00 am
11 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 5:00. Performance @ 7:00pm]
12 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 5:00. Performance @ 7:00pm]
13 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 12:30 Performance @ 2:00pm]
15 - Springtime/String-time Orchestra Concert (Performance) PS Orchestra, VSCO, & RCMS Strings
19- April 3 - SPRING BREAK - NO School, YES VSCO rehearsals.
April 2016
1 - Angel Romero Classical Guitarist concert
4 - PSHS School starts again
10 - PSHS Arts Institute showcase fundraiser (Performance) 4:30pm String Quartet & Duet solos.
16 - Stardust at CCHS (Performance) Orchestra 1:30pm, Guitars 12:30pm
20 - String Quartet (Performance) String Quartet - RCOE Student Achievement Awards
May 2016
10 - End with a Sweet Note (Performance) PSHS Orchestra, VSCO, & RCMS Strings
11 - Classical Guitar Ensemble "End of Year" (Performance) [PSHS P.A.B. @ 7:00pm] FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
17 - PSHS Superintendent Dr. Christine Anderson's retirements Party (Quartet Performance)
18 - Desert Health & Weness Awards @ Indian Wells Golf Resort (Quartet Performance)
20 - Strings Dept. Potluck Awards
24 - JWMS Beginning Strings Concert (Quartet Performance)
25 - PSHS Baccalaureate
26 - Senior Award Night (Orchestra Performance)
27 - Grad Night (PSHS Seniors only)
30 - Memorial Day - No School
31 - PSHS Graduation
TBA - PS Strings End of Season Parry & Dundie Awards (VSCO Ends. No rehearsals until June14)
TBA - Seniors Last Day
June 2016
9 - Last Day of School
1 - T-Shirt Sponsors Due!
4,5,6 - Orchestra Camp REQUIRED ATTENDANCE 9:00am - 11:30am
10 - PSHS Strings play for Teacher's Meeting [PSHS room 303] 12:30 am
13 - First Day of School (PSHS)
19 - Bowling Party RSVP & money due!
22 - Strings Bowling Party [P.S. Lanes] @ 12:00 pm
27 - Back to School Night - Guitar Ensemble & PS Orch. (Performance) [on PSHS Campus 5pm - 7:30pm]
28 - Lion King Musical (Field trip) Money is Due ($50 for 10/27/15)
September 2015
1 - VSCO Starts 2015-2016 Season
7 - Labor Day (no school)
12 - Strings Gig (Performance) PSHS Orchestra & VSCO [5:00pm @ Agua Caliente Casino]
24 - Hall of Fame Diner at PSHS (Performance) All Strings - Candy Folders.
October 2015
1 - Strings gig - Exquisite Desserts Bakery (Play - 5pm - 8pm)
9 - Tri-M National Music Honor Society Induction Ceremony (5pm-6:30pm)
22 - Halloween Spooktacular (Performance) PSHS Orchestra, PSHS Classical Guitars, VSCO, & RCMS Strings
24 - Patriot Ride Performance - Lake Cahuilla, 58075 Jefferson St, La Quinta (Call time 11:30am - Play 12:00pm - 2:30pm)
25 - Golf Cart Parade - El Paseo, Palm Desert (in front of The Gardens - time (Call time 11:00 - Play 11:30am - 1:30am)
27 - Lion King Musical (Field Trip) [for those who signed up]
28 - Education Summit - (String Ensemble) Play 8:00am - 9:00am
TBA - After school rehearsal for homecoming game 3pm- 5pm
TBA - After school rehearsal for homecoming game 3pm- 5pm
28 - PSHS Homecoming Parade
30 - Homecoming Game (Performance) Guitars and PS Orchestra [PSHS Football Field 6pm-9pm] OPEN TO THE PUBLIC $ -TICKETS- $
31 - Halloween & PSHS Homecoming Dance
November 2015
6 - We Are The Champions - PSHS Rally. Electric Guitars!!
7 - Wedding Gig for String Quartet @ the O'Donnell Estate. Call time - 2:00pm
8 - Pride Parade [Call time - 8:45am. Performance time 9am-10am] (Corner of Amado)
11- Veterans Day Parade - Downtown Palm Springs [PS Strings NOT performing]
13 - $20 (minimum) [non-refundable] deposit due for a seat holding to see Wicked on 3/1/16
14 - String Quartet gig - Zink Wedding@ the O'Donnell Estate.
December 2015
1 - Dress Rehearsal for Holiday Concert (5:00pm - 7:00pm)
1 - CHOIR Concert - Strings Quartet PERFORMING (7:00pm)
3 - PS Tree Lighting @ Francis Steven's Park [Call time 3:45pm. Performing 4:30pm-5:00pm]
5 - Festival of Lights Parade [Call Time 3:30pm. Performing 4:00pm - 5:30pm]
6 - Happy Holidays from the Strings (Performance) PS Orchestra, PSHS Classical Guitar Guitars, VSCO, & RCMS Strings
6 - Christmas Tree Lighting at the top of the Tram (Quartet Only) Call time - 4:00pm
8 - Strings End of Holiday Season Party (VSCO ends. No rehearsals until January 12)
12 - String Quartet Performance with Choir (lunch performance)
13 - String Quartet Performs in the Rancho Mirage Public Library [Call Time 4:30pm. Performing 5:00pm - 6:00pm]
16-18 - PSHS Final Exams
19 - Jan.10 - HOLIDAY BREAK
January 2016
11 - PSHS School starts Spring semester
12 - (VSCO) Valley Strings Community Orchestra begins the Spring Season
18 - M.L.King Day - No School
23 - Tour de Palm Springs (Performance) PSHS Orch, VSCO - Noon - 5:00 pm (LOWES Shopping Center - 35900 Monterey Palm Desert)
February 2016
Arrowbear Scholarship applications are due this month
12 -15 - Presidents Day Weekend - NO SCHOOL
13 - Quartet Gig (Performance) Black History Day Gala 5 - 7pm @ P.S. Hilton ballroom
15 - Master Class w/ Martin Challefore 3:00pm at PDCPC in Palm Desert
15 - Guitar Ensemble Concert (Performance) 6:00pm @ PDCPC in Palm Desert
17 - Smoketree Ranch gig - String Quartet (Call time - 5:00pm, Play 5:30pm - 6:30pm) [1850 Smoke Tree Lane]
26 - Beatles Performance for Quartet
27 - Beatles Performance for Quartet
March 2016
1 - Broadway Musical - Wicked (for those who signed up)
2 - String Orchestra - RCOE (Performance) 3rd & 4th periods @ PS Convention Center
3 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [TEASERS] 7:00 am
4 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 5:00. Performance @ 7:00pm]
5 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 5:00. Performance @ 7:00pm]
6 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 12:30. Performance @ 2:00pm]
10 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [TEASERS] 7:00 am
11 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 5:00. Performance @ 7:00pm]
12 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 5:00. Performance @ 7:00pm]
13 - Charlie Brown (Performance) [Call time - 12:30 Performance @ 2:00pm]
15 - Springtime/String-time Orchestra Concert (Performance) PS Orchestra, VSCO, & RCMS Strings
19- April 3 - SPRING BREAK - NO School, YES VSCO rehearsals.
April 2016
1 - Angel Romero Classical Guitarist concert
4 - PSHS School starts again
10 - PSHS Arts Institute showcase fundraiser (Performance) 4:30pm String Quartet & Duet solos.
16 - Stardust at CCHS (Performance) Orchestra 1:30pm, Guitars 12:30pm
20 - String Quartet (Performance) String Quartet - RCOE Student Achievement Awards
May 2016
10 - End with a Sweet Note (Performance) PSHS Orchestra, VSCO, & RCMS Strings
11 - Classical Guitar Ensemble "End of Year" (Performance) [PSHS P.A.B. @ 7:00pm] FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
17 - PSHS Superintendent Dr. Christine Anderson's retirements Party (Quartet Performance)
18 - Desert Health & Weness Awards @ Indian Wells Golf Resort (Quartet Performance)
20 - Strings Dept. Potluck Awards
24 - JWMS Beginning Strings Concert (Quartet Performance)
25 - PSHS Baccalaureate
26 - Senior Award Night (Orchestra Performance)
27 - Grad Night (PSHS Seniors only)
30 - Memorial Day - No School
31 - PSHS Graduation
TBA - PS Strings End of Season Parry & Dundie Awards (VSCO Ends. No rehearsals until June14)
TBA - Seniors Last Day
June 2016
9 - Last Day of School